Thursday, May 30, 2013

Back in New Mexico

David graduated from BYU with his bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering in April. His family came up to Utah, and we had fun throwing him a surprise breakfast with his friends, and eating at Cheesecake Factory. Then it was time to pack up our whole apartment. On April 28th, we made the long drive to White Rock from Provo. McKindrey did amazingly well for a three month old! We got moved into our rental house and are pretty much completely unpacked now. It's WONDERFUL having a dish washer, washer and dryer! We like our little home and have some great fun decorating it and making little improvements here and there. A week after we returned to New Mexico we went to Cancun with David's family. It was awesome except that I was sick the whole time. We had fun swimming in the pool, the ocean, and touring some Mayan ruins. The ocean there is incredible! Warm, pretty clear, and BLUE. I have started working Fridays at the Children's Clinic now that we are back in New Mexico. I have the best job I could ask for, but I miss being home with my little girl those days that I work. It's reassuring, though, that David gets to be the one to stay with her and watch her on Fridays. We spent this past weekend in Las Cruces, celebrating my cousin's wedding and visiting with family. It was fun to introduce McKindrey to everyone. Today McKindrey had her 4 month check up with the pediatrician. She is doing great! She is very social, and likes to smile and coo at people. She is growing well, too. Now we just need to work on her sleeping at night... I love the summer weather and it makes me want to go on walks, grill in the backyard, and do lots of yard work. Our yard could definitely use it. It's hard to find the time, though, with a little baby and so much traveling!