Saturday, May 7, 2016

Today we planted our garden!  It was so fun. Amazingly, all three kids slept simultaneously for about 1 1/2 hours! David and I got to work in peace and quiet. We can't wait to have some amazing veggies growing in our yard!  We are still very new to gardening (our second year) so I am worried about our seeds not growing, etc. Scott contributed some of his amazing composted soil to our grow boxes. We put up a giant trellis for our sugar snap peas. We even got to squeeze in a walk to Rover park and some play time there after all the work was done. It was a fabulous Saturday. To top it all off, when we got home, there was a notice that CeCe's Garden's had tried to deliver some flowers to me. David  totally surprised me with some gorgeous Mother's Day flowers.

Calise is getting so good at repeating any small words she can possibly manage. She babels and "sings" a lot too. She is much cuddlier than McKindrey tends to be, so I love picking her up and feeling her wrap her arms tight around my neck, or lay her head against  my chest.

For dinner we had soup, and it was making a mess, so David suggested bibs. I went to put one on Calise and of course, she immediately began trying to rip it off. Luckily, she likes to do practically everything McKindrey does, so I put one on McKindrey and said, "Look, Calise, McKindrey is wearing a bib, too!" McKindrey, bless her, chimed in "Yes, Calise, look, I am wearing a bib, too!  Big girls wear bibs!" In that moment, despite the many times I have had doubts int he past, I knew she is meant to be a great leader in our family, and will continue to grow into an amazing big sister.

Wakely is incredibly handsome and cute, especially when he smiles and coos, which he does quite a bit of! He is SO good natured. I just adore that little guy SO MUCH!!! Gaaaah! I love it when i get to just sit and play with him on my lap, I can't help but beam down at him the whole time.

David has really gone the extra mile recently with my birthday and Mother's Day. I hope I can make his upcoming birthday something special... even though he already "bought" his present (his new road bike).

Friday, May 6, 2016

I wanted to get down some of the cute, funny things our little McKindrey and Calise have said and done recently. A couple days ago McKindrey was playing with her baby doll and sat down with her in the recliner, puller up her shirt, and held her baby up to her nipple to "nurse" her! Calise must have seen this because just yesterday, she came over to show me how she could "nurse" her baby, too. She pulled up her shirt and held her baby doll up to her belly button! It was hilarious.

McKindrey is a little frightened of toilets flushing right now. She always talks about whether a toilet is going to be loud or quiet, and the other night when David heard her crying and went in to see what was wrong, she told him "Calisey got flushed down the toilet!" Yesterday she did some art therapy ;) to cope with her fears, and drew lots of circles and told me it was a toilet. Then she added a little "handle" off to the side and told me she was getting flushed down with the poop.

Another funny thing McKindrey is that McKindrey can't remember the name for penis. She says "tuberis" instead!

Well last night we joined David at Bodacious Bob's Barbecue for dinner. Steve Wilson, a friend of his (and now ours-- he took us ice fishing!) is leaving his group, so they were having a going away party. It was yummy! The weather was nice yesterday, about 27C around midday, and it was still fairly warm outside when we got to Bodacious Bob's. The girls and I had fun "exploring" outside, and playing I Spy.

Calise is expanding her vocabulary rapidly. One of the phrases she copied me on recently that gave me a real kick was "OH yeaaaah." She uses it a lot now, only hers sounds a little more like "Ah yaaaaah."

I am singing in church on Sunday with Julie in Relief Society. Florence asked us to to "How Will They Know" for her Mother's Day lesson. It's a beautiful song, and even in the Children's Song Book, but I had never heard it before.

David and I are going to plant our garden this Saturday! We think we are a little late with this possibly, but at least now we won't have hard ground and we won't worry about freezing. I really hope we are successful growing some beets this summer. We didn't try them last summer, but I love them I've recently learned!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

This morning it was damp and snowy.  I wish it would be warm for good! I want to play outside, go to the pool, eat dinner on the back porch, etc. Church was good, but I have been feeling so blah in my church clothes lately. Two of my four skirts are insanely tight and uncomfortable around my waist. I really want to find some simple, cute, comfortable items for my Sunday wardrobe. I started looking online today and hope I have found some good items on ModCloth. I found an outline for a 33 piece wardrobe that really appeals to the minimalist in me. It really helped me think about what colors I want to stick to so I can easily mix and match, as well as what styles I like.

I love being the Relief Society secretary. I think it is my perfect calling. I get to have a break from little kids and have relationships with adult women in RS. I can do a lot of my work from behind the scenes, and I can have fun designing little things like the newsletter and bulletin board and Christmas hand outs. I love the ladies I work with, too. I admire them so much! Florence Parker, Bernice Christensen, and Wendy Skidmore are all women I aspire to be like!  I want to be a blend of them when I grow up ;)

Wakely slept amazingly well last night! It was his first time sleeping "through the night," and he did it in a major way!  Instead of going his usual 4 hours between feedings at the beginning of the night, he went from 7:00pm to 4:45am!! It was crazy. I don't plan on that happening again for a long time, but it sure was wonderful last night.

Calise is having a hard time going to nursery. She screamed when we dropped her off. Luckily, Shai Parsons is a total angel and takes her and helps her calm down and probably holds her the entire time.

Yesterday we went to the temple and Summer watched Wakely while we did initiatories We left the girls with David's family. It is always so fun to see Summer and go out to eat with her. We went to the new Cheesecake factory at the Coronado Mall. We had a 50 minute wait! It was delicious and worth the wait, in my opinion. Summer brought up how she will be moving away after she finishes school, since there isn't much of a singles scene in NM. It made me so sad to think of that!

Today we talked about tithing in church and how the Lord blesses us for obeying commandments. I really need to become SOLID about scripture study and personal prayer. I know my family will be blessed if I do that.